One More Step

I’ve finally done something that should have been obvious, but I just didn’t think of it– on the map of Europe with the pentagram I have added the color of the moon over the place name.

This clearly indicates the drawing path for the pentagram, and indicates it is for “active spirit banishing”, whatever that might mean.

The clear pattern also supports my decoding of the labels for the place names.

Europe Pentagram Moon Colors

For more on the map, see “Folio f67r2”, above.

A Fractal in the Voynich

f67v2 is one of the most opaque folios in the entire Astro Section. I have interpreted it as four planetary conjunctions seen from a central location (see the individual page above).

But just yesterday I noticed that the folio is also a fractal; that is, a shape that is self-similar at different scales.

The smaller iteration is the conjunction in the lower left, where the planets are within colored fields arranged like a T-O map and connected by bars in a “U” shape.

The larger iteration is all four conjunctions arranged in a “U” shape indicated by moving from the earliest to the latest date. It is also oriented the same way as the smaller.

Below are four illustrations of the fractal:f67v2 Interpretation


Fractal Overlay


f67v2 Fractal Layout



The Rosettes Folio

It was Rich SantaColoma who first pointed out that the diagram on f69r was based on a drawing of a diatom in a book published ~1860.

I agree with him, which makes the Voynich a late creation (~1850 – 1911).

This discovery neatly solved some problems I had with the timeline of astronomical events, such as the inclusion of Tycho’s supernova of 1572.

I disagree with him that it is a hoax created by W.M. Voynich; I think it’s an authentic work created by someone not known to history. Still, that’s beside my point here.

With this post I am adding more evidence to the Late Creation Theory– that the Cosmati Pavement of Westminster Abbey was the inspiration for the Rosettes Folio.

Some repairs were made to the Cosmati around 1870, and the VMs Author could have seen it then. And there is at least one book with pictures and diagrams dating 1865: Memorials of Westminster Abbey by Dean Arthur Stanley.

I have rotated the 86v folio to the compass points based on the two suns and T-O map found there.

Then I rotated a picture of the Cosmati to the same orientation and superimposed it on the Rosettes Folio, adjusting for the file size differences.

As would be expected, the center and four corner roundels overlap, but the smaller outside four on the Cosmati don’t because they are closer to the center.

The interesting discovery here is that there are at least three designs on each that are similar and close together only with this orientation.

I have added a page above titled Folio f86v and put up the diagrams.

Update Note

For some time now I’ve been kept busy with personal business to the neglect of my Voynich research and this blog.

Looking through it and reacquainting myself I see that a number of the folios are out of date with my work, so I’m going to update things as I can. I can’t really give a timetable, as other things still have my attention, but soon, I hope.

I’ve added pages for three Astro folios I have not yet studied.

Encoding and Decoding Example

On the Encoding Method page I have replaced what was there with the first example of encoding and decoding.

This is Aldebaran, the label by the large star in the upper left pie slice of f68r3. Both encoding and decoding use the same letter table, with encoding taking place horizontally, and decoding vertically.

At the moment I have six other labels from f68r3 that encode and decode the same way.

There are still problems, such as there is no way of distinguishing which of the three letter value sets is used for a particular label other than trial and error. Also the problem of converting from Voynich letters to English letters. But I’m working on them.

Thoughts and comments requested.


At some point in the near future I will be cleaning out the MediaFire folder, removing outdated and incorrect files. I am trying to develop a consistant format and look for my works, which may promote understanding.

So if there is something in the folder you’ve been meaning to get, better do it soon.

Page Reshuffling

For (mostly) esthetic reasons I have moved the animations to their respective pages and deleted the page they were on. I have also renamed the Encoding page so that all of the folio pages are together.

Update 14 Jan: almost all of the folio pages have gotten an update.

The Cipher page now includes my ‘workaround method’ set up so anyone else can try it.

Voynich Geography

The page for f67r2 above has been updated. New versions of the Interpretation file and the Conjunctions file have been posted.

This folio takes the waxing gibbous phase of the moon when concurrent with the Aries/Taurus part of the sky and makes it circular. It is a recurring event.

This is also the connection between the event in the sky at 07Tau on 7 December 1486 and the earth: the star labels are the “realm of the stars”, the moons the “realm of the planets”, and inside the circle is “the circles of the world”.

The twelve words just below the moons were decoded as places in Europe, and a map showing them has been added at the bottom. Lines drawn between them form a hexagon whose center point is Vienna, Austria.

The meaning of the words below them has not been determined.

Unified Astro Section

Note: I have updated and added files to some of the older pages above.

I have finally reached a point in my research where most of the Astro section diagrams have been found to concern a specific time and place: 07 December 1486, near the center of Aries (astrologically 07Taurus). The diagram of f68r3 is the centerpiece.

I have added a new page above with a flowchart showing my interpretaions and how they are related, then a sky map with the collected diagrams.

I do not know, yet, what is so significant about this spot, and research is continuing.